At the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation, we understand that many people want to leave a legacy to create something of real and lasting value.
Many of our supporters have been committed to CAWF for many years and don’t want that commitment to end when they pass away. Legacy giving can be a reminder about their deep caring during their lifetime, and also acknowledges an ambition to help to build a brighter future for animals and for all of us.
We understand that leaving a legacy needs a great deal of thought and consideration. First on the list of priorities will be family, friends and loved ones – and rightly so.

We provide a uniquely flexible range of options for people interested in leaving a permanent legacy through CAWF. Some people have a clear idea which causes they want to support in their will. Others may want to give back to their community but are unsure exactly which organisations to support. With a track record of success and positive impact, we’d be delighted if you would consider CAWF amongst your chosen beneficiaries.
As well as monetary gifts, we can also accept gifts of shares, property or investments, as well as cash donations.
Since our modest beginnings in 2016, CAWF has worked tirelessly to make the UK — and the world — a better place for animals, and for all of their human neighbours. But there is still much to do.
Your legacy will play a crucial role in helping us to continue our work on behalf of animals, for years to come.
Like you, we are thinking about the future. We would like to build a permanent endowment fund that will be a source of sustainable funding for CAWF, far into the future.
Tax efficient.
Gifts to not-for-profit organisations can be exempt from inheritance tax. We recommend you seek advice from a professional adviser on any tax matters, as these can vary quite widely.
Larger gifts of, for example, £25,000 or more, can be used to establish a unique named fund at CAWF. Working with our colleagues at Prism: The Gift Fund [for example], gifts like these are invested, and the income is used to support CAWF or other animal causes that are important to you. If you would like to have an informal chat about any of this, our directors Chris Platt and Lorraine Platt would be delighted to talk with you. Contact us at
There are lots of important causes out there, and within each of these causes many organisations from which to choose. We are truly grateful that you’ve included the Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation as you’ve considered your legacy giving, and we don’t take this for granted.
Thank you.