As a strong voice for animal welfare in the Conservative Party, we are asking leadership contenders to support a number of key animal welfare asks.
On 2nd November the Conservative Party will have a new leader. As a strong voice for animal welfare in the Conservative Party, we are asking all leadership contenders to support a number of key animal welfare asks.
Over the last four decades, the Conservative Party has time and again led the way in advancing animal welfare. Whether it be the introduction of Margaret Thatcher’s Farm Animal Welfare Committee, John Major’s ban on veal crates, David Cameron’s ban on battery cages, Theresa May’s Ivory Act, Boris Johnson’s Sentience Act or Rishi Sunak’s ban on live exports for slaughter and fattening, there is something distinctly Conservative about taking action to protect and enhance welfare standards for our farmed animals, wildlife, and pets.
It is important, therefore, that our next Party leader continues the current animal welfare reforms and helps to advance animal welfare. We ask candidates for their support to end cages for laying hens, ban pig farrowing crates, the introduction of mandatory animal welfare labelling and stronger legal protections for farmed fish. We also ask candidates for their support to tackle puppy smuggling and banning trophy hunting imports- measures which were in the Conservative manifesto and also in the Government’s manifesto.
The Conservative leadership contest presents an excellent opportunity to show voters that candidates are committed to advancing animal welfare and as such, we are asking candidates the following questions:
- Do you support an end to cages for laying hens?
- Do you support a ban on pig farrowing crates?
- Do you support mandatory animal welfare labelling?
- Do you support stronger legal protections for farmed fish?
If you are a member of the Conservative Party, we encourage you to ask candidates these questions too, through hustings events in person and online. You can also tweet your questions to candidates on Twitter and retweet our asks from @ConservativeAWF.
Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s report on ending cages for laying hens here, and ending farrowing crates here.
Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation’s report on mandatory labelling and stronger protections for farmed fish:
Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation meets leadership candidates.

Robert Jenerick MP with Co-Founder Lorraine Platt
Over the past few weeks, CAWF has been engaging with the candidates campaigning for the leadership of the Conservative Party. We have been meeting with and writing to the candidates and asking them to support our animal welfare campaigns. We encourage all our supporters to contact the candidates and let them know how important farm animal welfare is to them.

Tom Tugendhat MP with Co-Founders Lorraine and Chris Platt

Mel Stride MP with Co-Founder Lorraine Platt
We are calling on all Conservative leadership candidates to champion animal welfare. We know animal welfare matters to the majority of Conservative voters