Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation at No10 on the important implications of Brexit and animal welfare

no10 pic conservative animal welfare foundation sir roger gale

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation at No10 on the important implications of Brexit and animal welfare.

On the same day that Theresa May delivered her landmark speech on Brexit and leaving the EU, Sir Roger Gale MP and Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation visited No10 to present their document for the Prime Minister on the important implications of Brexit on animal welfare with a signed letter by its Patrons Sir David Amess MP and Henry Smith MP, Co -Chairman of the All Party Group For Animal Welfare in the House of Commons. Lorraine

Lorraine Platt, Co- Founder of Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation said:

“We are here today to ensure that as part of the EU/UK negotiation, the UK accept all the present EU laws in the acquis that set standards for animal welfare. Around 80% of UK animal welfare legislation originates from the EU with over 40 laws relevant to animal welfare. These laws cover all four groups of animals- farm, research, wildlife and companion animals and span over forty years.

The largest body of legislation concerns farm animals with 18 relevant EU laws adopted.  Many of the UK’s food and farming policies have been shaped at EU level and our Government now has the opportunity to redefine these policies. We have the power to lead our own farming policies to advance farm animal welfare, implement higher standards than those under the EU laws, protect the environment and promote healthier public diets to combat heart disease, diabetes and obesity.

Sir Roger Gale commented:

“It is a priority that there is not a reduction in animal welfare standards at the expense of a drive for new profitable economic trade deals. Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation recognises the inevitable questions- what will Brexit mean for animal welfare and the importance of ensuring that laws protecting animals remain as tough- if not tougher- once the UK leaves the EU. Animal welfare is an increasing concern amongst the public, who frequently look to Government to take the lead in both maintaining and improving standards.”

Read Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Charter For A Caring Food Policy:


Read  Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Brexit: Opportuntities For Animal Welfare:


Read our Letter to the Prime Minister signed by our Patrons, Sir David Amess MP, Lady Suzy and Sir Roger Gale MP and Henry Smith MP, Co- Chair of the All Party Group For Animal Welfare in the House of Commons.

Prime Minister Letter Medi

snip letter conservative animal welfare foundation to PM
snip page 2 conservative animal welfare ffoundation letter to PM

Read the media coverage in the Daily Express:

snip daily express of conservative animal welfare foundation

Brexit could make life better for British PETS, top Tories tell Theresa May

INFLUENTIAL Tories are calling on Theresa May to use hard Brexit to make lives better for the nation’s pets, livestock and wildlife.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation has provided Number Ten with a blueprint on how to balance Britain’s departure from the with better standards for millions of domestic and wild creatures.

As the was making her landmark speech on today, leading MPs and party figures were advising on what departing from the EU will mean for farm animals and pets – and the opportunities it creates to introduce even higher welfare standards.

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation says around 80 per cent of UK animal welfare laws, across 40 separate statutes, originate from Brussels, covering farm livestock, pets, wildlife and research animals.

A total of 18 relevant laws adopted from EU legislation refer to farm animals alone.

“It is a priority that there is not a reduction in animal welfare standards”

Sir Roger Gale – MP

There are hopes that rather than watering down existing legislation, Brexit will allow for new laws to be introduced providing even greater safeguards and welfare standards.Sir Roger Gale, Tory MP for North Thanet and patron of the CAWF, said: “It is a priority that there is not a reduction in animal welfare standards at the expense of a drive for new profitable economic trade deals.“The CAWF recognises the inevitable questions: what will Brexit mean for animal welfare and the importance of ensuring that laws protecting animals remain as tough, if not tougher, once the UK leaves the EU.

CAWF say 80 per cent of UK animal welfare laws originate from Brussels


Sir Roger Gale, Tory MP for North Thanet and patron of the CAWF

“Animal welfare is an increasing concern among the public, who frequently look to Government to take the lead in both maintaining and improving standards.”

Tory MPs supporting the better deal for animals have written to the prime minister to consider diverting money from the Common Agriculture Policy subsidy system to reward those farmers who adopt higher animal welfare standards.Among the measures the CAWF are calling for post-Brexit are a move away from intensive farming to free range, halting the zero-grazing of dairy cows, phasing out enriched cages for laying hens and free-farrowing for pigs.

Lorraine Platt, co-founder CAWFGETTY

Lorraine Platt, co-founder CAWF

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