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Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation deeply concerned over recommendations to remove vital protections on the handling of chickens and turkeys

Today (Wednesday 28th February) Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) has expressed concern following the publication of a new report by the Animal Welfare Committee which recommends the law is changed in England and Wales to allow chickens and turkeys weighing less than 10kg to be lifted by two legs.

Legislation, Policy & Bills

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Applauds Introduction of Pivotal Animal Welfare Bills

The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) welcomes the introduction of three animal welfare bills in the Parliament: The Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill, spomsored by Selaine Saxby MP, the Pet Abduction Bill, sponsored by Anna Firth MP (CAWF Patron), and the Hunting Trophies (Import Prohibition) Bill, sponsored by John Spellar MP. .

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

The Conservatives must show they are serious about animal welfare in the upcoming King’s Speech

The British public care deeply about animal welfare. This was the case in 2019 when the Conservatives received their largest share of the vote for forty years, and it remains true today. Recent polling commissioned by Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation over the summer found two thirds of voters would feel more positively about a political party if they included a strong commitment to animal protection. In the run up to the next General Election, this is more important than ever.

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation Co-Founder Chris Platt speaks on panel at the Reducetarian Summit 2023 in Denver, Colorado

On Saturday (28th October) Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) Co-Founder Chris Platt spoke on a panel at the 2023 Reducetarian Summit in Denver, Colorado. The Summit, with more than 600 delegates, is taking place over three days in Denver at The Westin Denver Downtown featuring more than 100 speakers and a full expo showcasing plant-based food.

End Live Exports

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation joins leading charities and NGOs to call for provisions of the Kept Animals Bill to be delivered

Yesterday (Wednesday 18th October) – Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) was pleased to join a coalition of leading charities and NGOs including Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), Humane Society International UK (HSI/UK) and RSPCA for a joint parliamentary reception hosted by former Secretary of State for Defra George Eustice MP.