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Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation

Mind The Gap: Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation launches landmark report revealing the vast majority of modern British farming is out of sync with public demand for high animal welfare standards

Today (Monday 24th July 2023) Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation (CAWF) has launched a landmark report ‘Farm Animal Welfare in the UK: What Does the British Public Want?’ which reveals the significant gap between what the British public demands as citizens and consumers, and the realities of what they receive via UK farming industry methods of production and practices.

End Live Exports

Opposition Day Debate calls for return of the Kept Animals Bill

Today (Wednesday 21st June) an Opposition Day Debate has taken place in the House of Commons, which called for the return of the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill. This was organised following a statement by the Minister for Farming and Rural Affairs the Rt Hon. Mark Spencer MP on 25th May which confirmed the Government has made the decision to discontinue the passage of the Bill.

Legislation, Policy & Bills

The Shark Fins Bill Passes its Third Reading

The Shark Fins Bill  successfully completed its passage through the House of Lords today led by Baroness Jones of Whitchurch and supported by cross party Peers.

Legislation, Policy & Bills

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation statement on the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill

Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation is disappointed by the statement delivered today by Minister for Farming and Rural Affairs the Rt Hon. Mark Spencer MP which confirmed the Government has made the decision to discontinue the passage of the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill. We believe this represents a missed opportunity to further enhance the welfare and protection of animals across the United Kingdom.